
Very important historical materials since this collection of records contains

Very important historical materials since this collection of records contains

Very important historical materials since this collection of records contains

Very important historical materials since this collection of records contains

This document described the origins of the highest-ranking priestess “Kimihae

This document is believed that it was edited in 1743.

In the year of 1936, it was some house at Nakazato in Kume island that the do

The title that reads "The Record of Sakuhoshi delegates from China 1st volume

The title that reads "The Record of Sakuhoshi delegates from China 1st volume

The documents issued from Hyojosho(administrative office) under the name of S

仲原が昭和21(1946)年11月に伊波普猷所蔵本を筆写したものである。内容は、聞得大君(琉球国の最高級神女)に関わる年間祭祀を箇条書きに示している… This manuscript was written in November 1946 by Nakahara from the book that I

This document was discussed and issued in 1788 at the Hiraho/ Hirajo( law enf

This is a document that descreibes the brief overviews and institutions of Ry

A total of nine-volume copies of the official document concerning the event w

From the title that reads "Ryukyu Raiheishi Tenpo 13", it is considered as re

This booklet is concerned with sugar manufacturing.

江戸時代後期の江戸幕府御家人で国学者であった屋代弘賢(宝暦8(1758)年~天保12(1841)年)が、寛政9(1797)年、… This document was written by Yashiro Hirokata(1758-1841) in the late Edo peri

明治29(1896)年に、沖縄県(殊に本島)における土地売買がなぜに高額を要するものであるのかを究明するよう、祝収税部長が部下である川畑・… In 1896, both Kawabata and Iji were assigned the duties to investigate the re

1879年の琉球処分、すなわち琉球藩から沖縄県へという廃藩置県を経て行われた旧慣温存政策に関わる史料である。明治15(1882)年4月18日の日付がある… This is a document related to 'Kyūkan Onzon Seisaku (Retainment the old syste

This is one of the few historical documents to learn the system of Moai which

表題に「辰四月九日波平村東リ百次当間にや宅相揃候銅銭五拾貫文模合面立并番居模居シ印帳」とあり、「模合帳」(一)と同じ光緒6(1880)年のものである… This historical document that tells of the practice of Moai conducted in Yomi

Tentatively titled "Moaicho", a brief document listing the names of 32 people

久米島仲里間切に属する東海岸にある真謝村に関する史料である。内容は、江戸時代禁制となっていたキリシタン(切支丹)の宗教改めとして作成されたものである… It is a document notified in 1788, provided the rule for crime due to theft a

程順則(名護親方)が康煕47(1708)年に福州の琉球館で上梓したもので、那覇―福州間を往来する貢船に供する航海法・海図・天妃関連の情報が記述されている… This book was published by Tei Junsoku(Nago Ueekata) in 1708 at the Ryukyu Ka

The Omoro Soshi is the Okinawa’s oldest collection of songs which was recorde

The Omoro Soshi is the Okinawa’s oldest collection of songs which was recorde

The Omoro Soshi is the Okinawa’s oldest collection of songs which was recorde

The Omoro Soshi is the Okinawa’s oldest collection of songs which was recorde

The Omoro Soshi is the Okinawa’s oldest collection of songs which was recorde

The Omoro Soshi is the Okinawa’s oldest collection of songs which is recorded

The Omoro Soshi is the Okinawa’s oldest collection of songs which was recorde

The Omoro Soshi is the Okinawa’s oldest collection of songs which was recorde

The Omoro Soshi is the Okinawa’s oldest collection of songs which was recorde

The Omoro Soshi is the Okinawa’s oldest collection of songs which was recorde

The Omoro Soshi is the Okinawa’s oldest collection of songs which was recorde

The Omoro Soshi is the Okinawa’s oldest collection of songs which was recorde

Shitsumon Honzo was believed to be written by Go Keishi, or Shimabukuro Kenki

Shitsumon Honzo was believed to be written by Go Keishi, or Shimabukuro Kenki

Shitsumon Honzo was believed to be written by Go Keishi, or Shimabukuro Kenki

Shitsumon Honzo was believed to be written by Go Keishi, or Shimabukuro Kenki

Shitsumon Honzo was believed to be written by Go Keishi, or Shimabukuro Kenki

This material is a military epic novel based on the incident of Satsuma invas

This material is a military epic novel based on the incident of Satsuma invas

This material is a military epic novel based on the incident of Satsuma invas

This is a collection of songs in printed form focusing on the processions of

A collection of classic style of literature.

Shichido shiko: A collection of Chinese poetry of Yo Bun-ho (Kamida Pechin Ch

This is a document that recorded the dispatch of an envoy to celebrate the su

A fisherman called Manjiro from Shikoku was washed down off the Tosa to the d

This is an unfinished document which Kawabata Choshi from Okinawa prefectural

The geography textbook for elementary students.

The business reports of Ryukyu Sanbutsu kata( Ryukyu Products management offi

This text was originally a part of Nakahara's articles compiled in “Nihon Min

This text was originally a thesis recorded in “Nihon Minzokugaku Taikei vol.1

This is part of the book"Ryukyu Shobun "(3-volumes 1879) that Matsuda Michiyu

This is a document that Ikeguchi Genshiro, the Chief of the police station in

本史料は袋中上人が1603~1606年に那覇に滞在したおりの見聞を著したもので、島津侵入事件(1609年)… This is documents that Japanese priest named Taichu wrote about his experienc

本史料は袋中上人が1603~1606年に那覇に滞在したおりの見聞を著したもので、島津侵入事件(1609年)… This is documents that Japanese priest named Taichu wrote about his experienc

This is a record related to the accession ceremony of the Kikoeōkimi , the su

This is a record related to the accession ceremony of the Kikoeōkimi , the su

This is a record related to the accession ceremony of the Kikoeōkimi , the su

本史料は琉球の石高の内、首里王府が持つ財政収支を記したもので編者等は不明、康熙61(1728)年頃の状況を第一巻(収入)、第二巻(支出)… This item, consisting of two volumes, contains a detailed record of the fisca

A collection of newspaper cut-outs titled “Tansui Oyakata no Meiyo no Tameni”

This is a book published in Edo in the wake of Edo nobori(Procession of Ryuky

The Omoro Soshi, the oldest anthologies of the Okinawan poetry compiled by th

The Omoro Soshi, the oldest anthologies of the Okinawan poetry compiled by th

The Omoro Soshi, the oldest anthologies of the Okinawan poetry compiled by th

The Omoro Soshi, the oldest anthologies of the Okinawan poetry compiled by th

The Omoro Soshi, the oldest anthologies of the Okinawan poetry compiled by th

The Omoro Soshi, the oldest anthologies of the Okinawan poetry compiled by th

The Omoro Soshi, the oldest anthologies of the Okinawan poetry compiled by th

The Omoro Soshi, the oldest anthologies of the Okinawan poetry compiled by th

The Omoro Soshi, the oldest anthologies of the Okinawan poetry compiled by th

The Omoro Soshi, the oldest anthologies of the Okinawan poetry compiled by th

The Omoro Soshi, the oldest anthologies of the Okinawan poetry compiled by th

The Omoro Soshi, the oldest anthologies of the Okinawan poetry compiled by th

"This material was published in order to introduce the Ryukyuan envoys.

"Toyuso" is an anthology of Chinese poetry published by Totoshoshi in 1844.

"Toyuso" is an anthology of Chinese poetry published by Totoshoshi in 1844.

"Toyuso" is an anthology of Chinese poetry published by Totoshoshi in 1844.

『琉球国志略』は、乾隆20(1755)年に琉球国王世子尚穆を冊封するため正使全魁と共に来琉した冊封副使周煌が、1757年に皇帝に献上した報告書である… " Ryūkyū Koku Shiryaku" is a group of documents providing an overview of Ryuk

『琉球国志略』は、乾隆20(1755)年に琉球国王世子尚穆を冊封するため正使全魁と共に来琉した冊封副使周煌が、1757年に皇帝に献上した報告書である… " Ryūkyū Koku Shiryaku" is a group of documents providing an overview of Ryuk

『琉球国志略』は、乾隆20(1755)年に琉球国王世子尚穆を冊封するため正使全魁と共に来琉した冊封副使周煌が、1757年に皇帝に献上した報告書である… " Ryūkyū Koku Shiryaku" is a group of documents providing an overview of Ryuk

『琉球国志略』は、乾隆20(1755)年に琉球国王世子尚穆を冊封するため正使全魁と共に来琉した冊封副使周煌が、1757年に皇帝に献上した報告書である… " Ryūkyū Koku Shiryaku" is a group of documents providing an overview of Ryuk

『琉球国志略』は、乾隆20(1755)年に琉球国王世子尚穆を冊封するため正使全魁と共に来琉した冊封副使周煌が、1757年に皇帝に献上した報告書である… " Ryūkyū Koku Shiryaku" is a group of documents providing an overview of Ryuk

『琉球国志略』は、乾隆20(1755)年に琉球国王世子尚穆を冊封するため正使全魁と共に来琉した冊封副使周煌が、1757年に皇帝に献上した報告書である… " Ryūkyū Koku Shiryaku" is a group of documents providing an overview of Ryuk

"Nanto shi" was written by Arai Hakuseki who was a scholor and politician dur

"Ryukyu Shobun Teiko" recorded the course of the incident of Japan's Annexati

1609年の島津侵入以後、琉球では、徳川将軍の代替わり(就職)の際には慶賀使、琉球国王代替わりの際には謝恩使を江戸へ派遣し、これを「江戸立ち」… Since the invasion by Shimazu Satsuma clan in 1609, Ryukyu sent missions of c

In Edo period, Ryūkyū side sent Keigashi when Tokugawa succeeded to a shogun,

In this document, the drawings of Ryukyuan procession who were the gratitude

This document contains drawings of Ryukyuan procession that were on gratitude

"Ryukyujin Daigyouretsu Ki (Long Procession of Ryukyuan )" was reprinted seve

"Ryukyujin Daigyoretsu Ki (Long Procession of Ryukyuan )"was reprinted over m

This is a document that reports Ryukyuan envoy on gratitude mission in 1832 t

This document records the Ryukyuan envoys that were on gratitude missions to

This document is for recording the Ryukyuan envoys that were on gratitude mis

This document is for recording the Ryukyuan envoys that were on gratitude mis

This document is for recording the Ryukyuan envoys that were on gratitude mis

This document is for recording the Ryukyuan envoys that were on gratitude mis

This document records the missionaries dispatched in 1710 of gratitude (Shaon

Iōtori Island had been in eruption frequently and the eruption occured in Apr

This is a collection of essays of Saion who is the most renown academian and

At the beginning of the document, it is written as "Kagan Shoki"although its

“Ryukyu and Tametomo” was published by Kikuchi Yuho in 1908.

This is a genealogy which was handed down by Kikuzato Family, in Kumejima isl

Mimeographed copy of lineage tree of Ma family who was warrior-class and resi

本史料 は、明治19(1886)年に刊行されたもので、内編(上・中・下の三冊)と外編(乾・坤の二冊)からなる。
"Nanto Kiji"was published in 1886, consists of three sections of Naihen ( fir

Nanto Kijiwas published in 1886, consists of three sections of Naihen ( first

Nanto Kijiwas published in 1886, consists of three sections of Naihen ( first

本史料は、マカレー東本願寺住職で沖縄出身の玉代勢法雲が1952年6月からホノルルのKAHU放送局にて行った同タイトル(8回シリーズ)… This document was published by the Okinawan-born Buddhist priest Tamayose Hou

"Chuzan Denshinroku" was authored by Xu Bao Guang in 1721 who came to Ryukyu

"Chuzan Denshinroku" was authored by Xu Bao Guang in 1721 who came to Ryukyu

"Chuzan Denshinroku" was authored by Xu Bao Guang in 1721 who came to Ryukyu

"Chuzan Denshinroku" was authored by Xu Bao Guang in 1721 who came to Ryukyu

"Chuzan Denshinroku" was authored by Xu Bao Guang in 1721 who came to Ryukyu

"Chuzan Denshinroku" was authored by Xu Bao Guang in 1721 who came to Ryukyu

This historical document is an investigative report about the conventional ta

Published in 1889 by Ishizawa Hyogo who was the head of the commerce and indu

This document was published by Ijichi Sadaka in 1877.

This document is the first volume of "Okinawa-shi (Ryukyu-shi) "which was pub

This document is the first volume of "Okinawa-shi (Ryukyu-shi) "which was pub

This document is the first volume of "Okinawa-shi (Ryukyu-shi) "which was pub

This document is the first volume of "Okinawa-shi (Ryukyu-shi) "which was pub

This document is the first volume of "Okinawa-shi (Ryukyu-shi) "which was pub

"Nanto Kiji"was published in 1886, consists of three sections of Naihen and t

"Nanto Kiji"was published in 1886, consists of three sections of Naihen and t

This document was written by Ota Nanpo, and published in 1832.

「琉球談(りゅうきゅうばなし)」は森島中良が寛政2(1790)年に上梓した書物で、内容は為朝渡琉伝説に注目し、日本と琉球の関りや風俗について記している… “Discourse on Ryukyu” (Ryukyu Banashi) is a book written by Morishima Churyo

「琉球談(りゅうきゅうばなし)」は森島中良が寛政2(1790)年に上梓した書物で、内容は為朝渡琉伝説に注目し、日本と琉球の関りや風俗について記している… “Discourse on Ryukyu” (Ryukyu Banashi) is a book written by Morishima Churyo

明治6(1873)年に大槻文彦によって上梓された上下二巻本の書物。大槻文彦は国語辞典『大言海』の著者として知られ、明治・大正期を代表する国語学者である… This is a two-volume book authored by Ōtsuki Fumihiko and published in 1873.

明治6(1873)年に大槻文彦によって上梓された上下二巻本の書物。大槻文彦は国語辞典『大言海』の著者として知られ、明治・大正期を代表する国語学者である… This is a two-volume book authored by Ōtsuki Fumihiko and published in 1873.

This document was believed to be created around 1706-1713.

This document was believed to be created around 1706-1713.

本史料は、「女官御双紙 近習方」とあるが、内容は「聞得大君御殿並御城御規式之御次第」である。
This document was believed to be created around 1706-1713.

This is a copy and pertinent document of "Miyako-jima Kyuki" which was compil