[琉球板]論語 上巻 / Analects of Confucius, Vol. 1 (Ryukyu Reprint)

リュウキュウバン ロンゴ ジョウ

表題「論語 上巻」。出版者・出版年ともに不明。「向元模」「武藤」「殘花書屋」「戸川氏蔵書印」「賓南」等、所有者を示す印記が見える。『大学』『中庸』『論語』『孟子』を「四書」と呼んで、儒学の基本的経典に位置づけたのは、朱子学の創始者朱熹である。日本では江戸幕府が朱子学を保護したため、多くの訓点本が出版された。琉球においても、南浦文之の弟子泊如竹が1632年に渡来して文之点『論語集註』を伝え、おおいに尊重された。文之点『四書集註』は、日本最初の訓点本と言われ、底本は明末福建の書肆余明台の刊行した大魁本『四書集註』である。本史料もこの系統のもの。福建で彫られ、版木を琉球に持ち帰って印刷したものと椎定される。


The title on the cover of this book is Rongo jyōmaki (Analects of Confucius, vol. 1). Both its publisher and year of publication are unknown. Inside, we can see the imprints of the seals that indicate who owned the book: Xiàng Yuánmó, Mutō, Zankasho'oku, Togawa-shi zōsho in (ownership seal of Togawa), and Hin'nan. In addition to the book Rongo (Analects of Confucius), the books Daigaku (Great Learning), Chūyō (Doctrine of the Mean) and Mōshi (Discourses of Mencius) were selected by the founder of Neo-Confucianism, Zhū Xī, to create the basic texts of Confucianism called Shisho (Four Books). Neo-Confucianism was a designated teaching in Japan, the Tokugawa shōgunate published many kuntenbon (books with punctuation marks for reading Chinese). In Ryukyu, the book Rongo shicchū (Commentary on the Analects of Confucius) which included Bunshiten (Bunshi Nampo’s punctuation system) was highly respected after being introduced by Jochiku Tomari (Bunshi Nampo’s disciple) who visited in 1632. The book Shisho shicchū (Commentary on the Four Books) with Nampo’s punctuation system is said to be Japan’s first kuntenbon—its source being the Shisho shicchū (Commentary on the Four Books) published by the Yú Míngtái bookstore in Fujian at the end of the Ming Dynasty. The woodblocks used for this book is believed to have been carved in Fujian as well, and then brought to Ryukyu for printing.

中国語 / Chinese

引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.

『[琉球板]論語 上巻』その他OT011(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot01101