〔三条[実美]太政大臣宛 井上[馨]外務卿 明治十三年 琉球関係機密文書(原本)〕 / Treaty (Classified Documents Related to Ryukyu Addressed to Daidō-daijin Sanetomi Sanjo from Secretary of Foreign Affairs Kaoru Inoue in 1880 [Original])
This document is a report issued by Secretary of Foreign Affairs Kaoru Inoue to Dajō-daijin (Chancellor of the Realm) Sanetomi Sanjo in 1880 on the status of negotiations between Japan and Qing China. The Ryukyu Annexation (Ryukyu Disposition) in 1879 led to a diplomatic dispute between the two countries over the ownership of the Ryukyu Islands. In the negotiations, Japan proposed the cession of Miyako and Yaeyama to the Qing in exchange for a revision of the Sino-Japanese Amity Treaty (to allow Japan trading rights within Qing China). This document contains four drafts of the treaty prepared by Kowashi Inoue, one additional proposal, and six pages of instructions.
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『〔三条[実美]太政大臣宛 井上[馨]外務卿 明治十三年 琉球関係機密文書(原本)〕』その他OT014(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot01401