[遠江国見附宿 本陣助郷文書 6] / Tōtōmi Province Mitsuke-shuku Honjin Sukegō Document No. 6

トオトウミノクニ ミツケシュク ホンジン スケゴウ ブンショ 6

「遠江国見附 本陣宿助郷文書」の6。表題「己御年貢可納割附之事」。遠江国磐田郡見付宿へ、安政四(1857)年前後に出された年貢についての通達。


In this material, sukegō refers to a system of calling for mandatory volunteers from the surrounding villagers when the shukuba (post station) could not supply its regular service, horses, and labors for any important events, such as daimyō procession. There were 53 points of shukuba built along the Tōkaidō road in the Edo period. This material was discovered at the honjin which was the 28th point from the Edo and the 26th point of shukuba from Kyoto, now is in Iwata city, Shizuoka prefecture. It mentions the Ryukyuan mission in 1851 and alleges daimyō procession and the Ryukyuan missions were too great a burden to bear on the inhabitants when the processions moved through (University of the Ryukyus Library Newsletter Biblio No. 147, vol. 40, no.2, p.5). Tōtōminokuni mitsuke-shuku honjin sukegō, document No. 6 is titled: “Mionengu osamerubeki waritsuke no koto,” is an annual tax notice issued around 1857 to the mitsuke-shuku (a remarkable shukuba with a guard box for safety inspections) in Iwata city, Tōtōmi Province (now is Shizuoka prefecture).

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『[遠江国見附宿 本陣助郷文書 6]』その他OT062-06(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot06206