[遠江国見附宿 本陣助郷文書 12] 尾州様御家中並家来人馬銭立帳合鑑 一枚 日割不時雇人馬判鑑雛形 弐枚 / A Utilization Statement Issued to the Bishu Domain: Numbers of the Retainer; One Aikan and Two Templates of Hankagami (Tōtōmi Province Mitsuke-Shuku Honjin Sukegō Documen No. 12)
「遠江国見附 本陣宿助郷文書」の12。5種類の合鑑、判鑑が収録されている。合鑑・判鑑は預かり証か。
Sukegō, in this material, refers to a system of calling for mandatory volunteers from the surrounding villagers when the shukuba (post station) could not supply its regular service, horses, and labors for any important events, such as daimyō procession. There were 53 points of shukuba built along the Tōkaidō road in the Edo period. This material was discovered at the honjin which was the 28th point from the Edo and the 26th point of shukuba from Kyoto, now is in Iwata city, Shizuoka prefecture. It mentions the Ryukyuan mission in 1851 and alleges daimyō procession and the Ryukyuan missions were too great a burden to bear on the inhabitants when the processions moved through (University of the Ryukyus Library Newsletter Biblio No. 147, vol. 40, no.2, p.5). Tōtōminokuni mitsuke-shuku honjin sukegō, document No. 12 includes a record of aikan (a claim check for the use of manpower and horses) and two hankagami that are application templates with allotment schedule for not using the service (manpower and houses usage). They were possibly certificates of invoices and receipts for the Domain’s use of mitsuke-shuku service.
引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.
『[遠江国見附宿 本陣助郷文書 12] 尾州様御家中並家来人馬銭立帳合鑑 一枚 日割不時雇人馬判鑑雛形 弐枚』その他OT062-12(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot06212