起請書 ; 文政三年琉球記録 [模合起請書] / A written pledge, an account of Ryūkyū in 1820
This document is a written pledge of Moa'i (Tanomoshikō)* held in Namihira, Yomitanmagiri. According to the note on a box in which this document is contained, this is an account of 1820. It shows us that copper coins circulated in rural society of those days in Ryūkyū, and also how the system of mutual aid, for example, at the time of getting ill or of delivery, and in everyday life, worked in a community. The document is 12 by 39 centimeters, and it has 58 pages in total.
*Moa'i (Tanomoshikō) : It is a monetary institution of mutual aid which has been firmly taking root in Okinawan society from of old. In Japan mainland, it is known as Tanomoshikō or Mujinkō.
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『起請書 ; 文政三年琉球記録 [模合起請書]』崎原貢文庫SA002(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakihara/sa00201