風水御見分日記 / An account of feng shui
This is a historical document that shows the process of feng shui fortune telling regarding Makiya Village in Haneji Magiri. On the inner title page is a note "since the lunar December 13, 1888." This record describes how the people of Makiya Village invited Yoza Tsūji Pēchin, a feng shui master of high reputation, to do the fortune telling, after they knew that he had been invited to Agarie Village in Nago Magiri. Houses and lands, graveyards, and places of worship, etc. had been considered as the focal areas of feng shui fortune telling, and the notes regarding these areas are included in this document.
(Updated on March 7, 2016)
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『風水御見分日記』島袋源七文庫SI007(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/shimabukuro/si00701