キアン ニッキ




Kian Nikki is a diary of Bin'uji Kian Nyūdō Bangen from Sakai, Senshū (present Sakai, Osaka) who arrived in Ryukyu in 1600 and served King Shō Nei as a tea master. It is one of the very few materials from the Ryukyuan point of view regarding the Satsuma Invasion of 1609. It records the event spanning two and a half years in total, from around the time of Satsuma's entrance into the Ryukyus on March, 1609 through Kian's return to Ryukyu after visiting Satsuma and Edo with King Shō Nei, who was captured by Satsuma, on October, 1611. The diary was presumably completed during the reign of King Shō Hō (reigned 1621-40).
The diary is written overall in the style of memories, thus containing descriptions beyond the author's knowledge and experience. Its literary style is exclamatory, indicating that it generally follows that of war chronicles from the Middle Ages, particularly that of The Tale of Heike. About half of the diary depends heavily on those Middle Age war chronicles for its contents, and 8 examples of passages borrowed from The Tale of Heiji, 7 examples from The Tale of Hōgen, and 57 examples from The Tale of Heike have already been found. This existing material is the oldest copy made in 1820. The original book is no longer in existence.

日本語 / Japanese



引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.

『[喜安日記]』伊波普猷文庫IH010(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://doi.org/10.24564/ih01001