Xu Baoguang, originally from Suzhou City in Changzhou Prefecture, South China, visited the Ryukyu kingdom in the year 1719 on an investiture mission for the enthronement of King Shō Kei. This record is a report on this mission, which contains the detailed information on Ryukyu tributary affairs. It records those Chinese envoys' experience of Ryukyuan customs, language, geography, history etc, as well as the way in which the enthronement ceremony were carried out, in the style of the kaozheng study with a variety of illustrations. Edo period scholars had often relied upon this book as a resource for information regarding Ryukyu. It was also translated in part by a French missionary Antoine Gaubil and was introduced into Europe. The first volume of the book includes geographical areas, sea routes, voyage logs, etc. The translation of the entire text of the book is available in the first of volume of Naha shishi (The History of Naha City).
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『中山伝信録[一]』伊波普猷文庫IH018(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://doi.org/10.24564/ih01801