イホン モウ ウジ ユライ キ



Date of completion unknown. A historical record of the ancestors of Mō-uji, which mainly describes Gosamaru. First, it mentions the repair of Gosamaru's ancestor Aji Yamada’s tomb, and then describes Gosamaru’s life story, focusing on the revolt of Gosamaru and Amawari. At the end of the revolt, it is said that leaving behind his youngest child Morichika, Gosamaru and even his relatives committed suicide. According to the record, Morichika was later appointed as a government official in the time of King Shō En. By the time of Shō Shin, he received shikan (purple turbanish court hat) which represented the highest position as a government official, and became the feudal lord of Tomigusuku Magiri, which tells of the prosperity of the family and descendants. The details of the family's older generation are unknown, but there is a brief description as to their genealogy, which was written by Takaesu Chikudun Pēchin and Ufugusuku Chikudun Pēchin, based on historical records, such as Chūzan Seifu (Genealogy of Chuzan), “Kyūki,” “Yuraiki,” and “Nenraiki,” in order to hand down the family history to the next generations, according to the text.

日本語 / Japanese
利用実績/Use in Publication

1. 「異本毛氏由来記~護佐丸と子孫の記録~【5分でわかる!デジタルアーカイブの世界】」(琉球大学附属図書館YouTubeチャンネル)https://youtu.be/Gywdmymv3eM

2. 「1分でわかる!護佐丸と子孫の記録 #shorts」(琉球大学附属図書館YouTubeチャンネル)https://youtube.com/shorts/uQubPZnxON0

3. 「【展示解説】阿麻和利と伊波普猷【琉大資料がつなぐあやはし~うるまの今昔~】」(琉球大学附属図書館YouTubeチャンネル) https://youtu.be/sPqnty9vgnU

引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.

『異本毛氏由来記』伊波普猷文庫IH020(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://doi.org/10.24564/ih02001