校訂 おもろさうし [1]
The first printed book of the Omoro Sōshi texts, published by Iha Fuyu with the help of the Imperial Academy. The 600 hundred printed copies had great effects on research on the Omoro Sōshi, at a time when there were very few copies including the Shoke-bon and the Aniyake-bon. Tajima Risaburō's copy was used as the basis for the revision, and the Shoke-bon (Okinawa Prefectural Museum) and the “Nakayoshi copy” of the “Aniya-bon” were used as references. Refer to the Complete Works of Iha Fuyu part 6, “Kōtei Omoro Sōshi”.
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『校訂 おもろさうし [1]』伊波普猷文庫IH047(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://doi.org/10.24564/ih04701