進貢船接貢船唐人通船朝鮮人乗船日本他領人乗船各漂着并破損之時八重山島在番役々勤職帳 / Manual for situations involving shipwrecks and accidents with regards to Ryukyuan envoy ships and Chinese, Korean, Japanese trading ships
嘉慶15(1810年)年成立。本文書は,同治3(1864)年の書写本。記主は,松茂氏崎山与人当親。65丁。26.0×19.5cm。 琉球の公用船である進貢・接貢船や中国・朝鮮・日本(薩摩藩を除く)船や欧米船の海難事故(漂着)へ対処するための八重山島蔵元のマニュアル書。遭難民の救助・保護・収容規定(例,漂着中国人には一人に付き,一日に中白米6合5勺,上味噌4勺,塩2勺,タバコ4匁などを支給する)だけでなく,漂着民と地元住民との接触の厳禁,キリスト教徒の摘発,抜荷(密貿易)等への詳細な規定を設けており,首里王府の対外政策を知る上でも重要な文書である。(豊見山和行)
This is a manual from the Yaeyama Kuramoto that gives instructions on the actions to be taken, should there be an accident at sea involving Ryukyuan envoy ships; Chinese, Korean or Japanese (excluding Satsuma Han) ships; as well as ships from the West. It not only lists provisions in regards to the rescue, protection and accommodation of refugees, but also contains detailed regulations in regards to matters such as the strict prohibition of contact between the refugees and local residents, exposure of Christians and smuggling. This is a very important document for understanding The Shuri Government's foreign policies.(Updated February 25, 2015)
Statement of Responsibility
1. 「【宮良殿内文庫】八重山役人の漂着対応マニュアル【琉球沖縄関係デジタルアーカイブの世界#2】」(琉球大学附属図書館YouTubeチャンネル)https://youtu.be/HIdC8XlKxJI
引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.
『進貢船接貢船唐人通船朝鮮人乗船日本他領人乗船各漂着并破損之時八重山島在番役々勤職帳』宮良殿内文庫MI001(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://doi.org/10.24564/mi00101