大閣公五味万病圓 / Taikōkō's prescription of five medicines
1件。3丁。細川幽斎歌。作成年代、筆写者ともに不明。教訓書。冒頭に「細川幽斎歌」とある。細川幽斎(ホソカワユウサイ)(1534~1610)は 安土桃山時代の武将で、織田信長や豊臣秀吉に仕えた人物。史料内容は、「正直・堪忍・思案・分別・用捨」の「五味」を薬に見立て、そこに「無理・慮外・過言・無心・油断」という禁物の事、そして「大酒のむべからず」「欲にはなれよ」「朝寝すべからず」などの項目をを加味して、これを毎日服する、つまり肝に銘じておくべきであるという旨を記している。裏文書は、田地などの売り渡しに関する覚書。
Date and author unknown. A book of moral precepts. Poems of Hosokawa, Yuusai was written at the beginning. Hosokawa, Yuusai (1534~1610) was a military commander during the Azuchi-Momoyama period and served Oda, Nobunaga and Toyotomi, Hideyoshi. The text prescribes honesty, patience, consideration, judgement and decision as the five medicines, while forbidding forcibility, unexpectedness, exaggeration, naivity and carelessness. The text continues the metaphor of medicines by also urging readers to add on not drinking too much alcohol, have ambitions and don't sleep in late to the medicine and take it everyday. The back documents are related to the buying and selling of paddy land etc.
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『大閣公五味万病圓』宮良殿内文庫MI085(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://doi.org/10.24564/mi08501