[瓦葺き屋敷をカヤ葺きへ戻すことを通達した]覚 / A memorandum concerning the reversion back to hay roofs from tiled roofs
This is a memo from Master Tomimori of the Shuri Government headquarters to Master Tomikawa, an envoy dispatched to Yaeyama. The construction of tiled roofs were forbidden in Miyako and Yaeyama Islands but there were people who broke the rules. As a result, although Orders for the reversion to hay roofs were given according to the administrative guidance of envoys in 1841 and 1857, applications for extension of the deadline were submitted everytime. Still, even though the deadline has passed the orders were obeyed strictly. Therefore, with the dispatch of Master Tomikawa this time, a stronger order has been issued in regards to the reversion to hay roofs.
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『[瓦葺き屋敷をカヤ葺きへ戻すことを通達した]覚』宮良殿内文庫MI145(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://doi.org/10.24564/mi14501