書簡[与那国年中行事についての]裏文書 / A letter, in regards to Yonaguni's yearly events, reverse
1件。4丁。与那国島の役人である祖納目差(ソナイメザシ)神村仁屋英演(カミムラニヤエイエン)から与那国目差(ヨナグニメザシ)安村筑登之(ヤスムラチクドゥン)永英(エイエイ)の取次を経て、石垣島の蔵元の蔵筆者衆に送付された書簡。一部欠損しているため、内容を把握しにくいが、毎年の暦と天気・豊凶の関係性、日の出、日の入など自然現象と天気・豊凶の関係性を述べた文書である。(例:「四月朔日晴れは年豊也風雨有ハ年凶之」「日出いろ赤きは雨」 など)
A letter from Kamimura Niya Eien, who was the Sonai Mezashi of Yaeyama, to the various Hisshas of the Ishigaki Island Kuramoto via the Yonaguni Mezashi- Yasumura Chikudoun Eiei. The contents were difficult to determine as there were missing parts. However, it is identified that Kamimura wrote about the relationship between the calendar year, natural occurences (such as sunrise and sunset), the weather and the state of harvests.(Updated on March 30, 2015)
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引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.
『書簡[与那国年中行事についての]裏文書』宮良殿内文庫MI207-02(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://doi.org/10.24564/mi20702