御国元檀那御方江書状地案 / Draft letters to the Leaders
A collection of draft letters put together by Matsumo, Tousou. The letters were addressed to mainland Okinawa elites, whose ranks ranged from Chikudoun Peechin to Peechin and Oyakata. The contents were mostly greetings, congratulations for promotions, the receipt and giving of gifts and thanks for the gifts received etc. For example, a congratulatory letter was sent to Peechin Tokuyama for his appointment as Tokuyama Jitou; and the letter to Oyakata Yonabaru congratulated his safe return from China.
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『御国元檀那御方江書状地案』宮良殿内文庫MI242(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://doi.org/10.24564/mi24201