This is a collection of essays of Saion who is the most renown academian and politician of early modern period in Ryukyu. This collection of Saion's essays contains "Jijoden (autobiography)", "Nomucho( Book of the agricultural policy ) "and "Kanai Monogatari Jojo(managing the rural household )", published by the study group of historical material of Ryukyu in 1958. Although, this document was originally published by Okinawa Folk Association ( President: Ota Chofu, Vice President: Shimabukuro Genichiro ) around 1933 through 1935. Each of these work tells of the episodes of the Saion's background and his late life, his agricultural policy, as well as the instructions issued to each of the households.
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『蔡温随筆集』仲原善忠文庫NA103(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/nakahara/na10301