沖縄志略 一名琉球志略 全一冊
This document was published by Ijichi Sadaka in 1877. Ijichi Sadaka had been involved in affairs of Ryukyu since Meiji Restoration, the establishment
of Ryukyu-han (domain) and institutional reform. Along his duties as administrative officer, he learned and studied the land, folklore and local products
of Ryukyu. Ijichi is known for his work "Okinawa shi (vol.1-5)"that he wote and published in 1876. This is an abbreviated version of "Okinawa shi" and
includes the outline of mainland Ryukyhu and Miyako, Yaeyama and brief history of Ryukyu kingdom.
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『沖縄志略 一名琉球志略 全一冊』仲原善忠文庫NA120(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/nakahara/na12001