中山物産考 下 / Description of Chūzan Products, Vol. 3
江戸の医者・本草学者である田村登(1718~1776)が明和6年 (1769)に著した本。田村は、田村藍水(たむら・らんすい)という号が有名。中山は琉球の別称。全3巻。巻ーは琉球の地誌と特産物について、巻ニ ・三は徐葆光『中山伝信録』 (1721)に記述された琉球の動植物 ・物産をもとに述べている。徐葆光は 1719年に冊封使と して来琉し 、見聞の成果を『中山伝信緑』 にまとめ中国で出版した。同書は長崎から鎖国時代の日本に入り、日本でも出版され琉球認識のテキストとなった。本書は昭和8年(1933)に岩瀬文庫の本から笹岡晴風が写したもの。
This book was written in 1769 by Noboru Tamura (1718-1776), an Edo physician and herbalist mostly known by his pseudonym, Ransui Tamura. The word “Chūzan” in the book’s title is another name for Ryukyu. There is a total of three volumes under the same title. Volume one is about the topography and specialty products of Ryukyu, and volumes two and three are based on the flora, fauna, and products of Ryukyu described in Chūzan Denshinroku (1721)—a compilation of Xú Bǎoguāng’s observations when he visited Ryukyu as an envoy in 1719, which he later published in China. His book entered Japan through Nagasaki during the nation’s period of isolation from the rest of the world. It was also published in Japan and became a textbook about Ryukyu. This is a copy of the book from the Iwase Archives made by Seifu Sasaoka in 1933.
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『中山物産考 下』その他OT009-03(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot00903