[琉球板]大學 / Great Learning (Ryukyu Reprint)
木版1冊・20葉 25.5×19cm
出版者・出版年ともに不明。帙裏墨書「昭和十六年四月 胡賓南」、表紙裏「大清同治八年己巳三月四日 桃原村仲松子」、裏表紙裏「久場子」とある。「胡賓南」は戸川浜雄のことである。版面が「琉球版論語」と酷似しており、「琉球版四書」の中の一つ『大学』と見てよかろう。『大学』は、『中庸』と共に、もとは「礼記」の一編である。朱子学の創始者朱熹が、それぞれを独立させて『論語』『孟子』と合わせて『四書』とした。琉球においても国学の教科書として採用され、士族層の必読書として普及した。尚家には、琉球版の『四書集註』『四書俚諺鈔』の版木が保存されていたことが、武藤長平(1879~1938)の『西南文運史論』所収「琉球訪書志」に見える。
One woodblock-print book; twenty pages; 25.5 cm by 19 cm.
Both the book’s publisher and year of publication are unknown. “April 1941, Ko Hin’nan” (Hamao Togawa’s pseudonym) is written in ink on the back cover, “March 4, 1869, Tōbaru Village, Nakamatsunushii” inside the front cover, and “Kubanushii” inside the back cover. The book’sprint closely resembles Ryukyu-ban rongo (Analects of Confucius [Ryukyu Reprint]) and is likely to be one of the books from Ryukyu-ban shisho (Four Books [Ryukyu Reprint]). The books Daigaku (Great Learning) and Chūyō (Doctrine of the Mean) were originally included in Raiki (Book of Rites), but they were made independent by the founder of Neo-Confucianism, Zhū Xī, and then combined with Rongo (Analects of Confucius) and Mōshi (Discourses of Mencius) to form Shisho (Four Books)—the basic texts of Confucianism. In Ryukyu, these books were adopted as textbooks for Japanese literature and cultural studies, and it spread as required reading for the warrior class. Chōhei Mutō (1879-1938) wrote in the section Ryukyu Hōshoshi (Bibliographic Survey of Ryukyu) in his book Seinan Bun’un Shiron (Essays on the Cultural History of the South-Western Provinces in Japan) that the Royal Shō Family had preserved the Ryukyu reprint woodblocks of Shisho Shicchū (Commentary on the Four Books) and Shisho Rigenshō (Excerpts of the Four Books).
引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.
『[琉球板]大學』その他OT010(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot01001