[琉球舞踊写真解説] / Photo Descriptions of Traditional Ryukyuan Dance Performances
1936年(昭和11)に沖縄を訪れたドイツ人Otto Farowが編んだ琉球舞踊の写真貼込帳。表紙に「Ryukyu-Tanz.Naha auf Okinawa. Nov. 1936」とある。新垣芳子の踊る「浜千島」「花風」「麦じゅる」「綛掛踊」「小浜節」「四つ竹」「鳩間節」「谷茶前」など8種の舞踊の写真を収める。三杉楼の「琉球舞踊解説」などの冊子が付されている。
This is a photo album compiled by Otto Farow, a German who visited Okinawa in 1936. “Ryukyu-Tanz. Naha auf Okinawa. Nov. 1936” is written on the cover. The album includes photographs of eight traditional dances performed by Yoshiko Arakaki—Hamachidori, Hanafū, Munjuru, Kashikakiodori, Kumōbushi, Yotsudake, Hatomabushi, and Tanchamē. Attached is a booklet titled Ryukyu buyō kaisetsu (Commentary on Traditional Ryukyuan Dance Performances) written by Sugirō San. There is also a commemorative group photo with Shōgan Arakaki, Tokujun Agena (later Tokujun Tōyama), Zenji Koga, Kōwa Matayoshi, and Genichirō Shimabukuro. There are also photos of bingata garments that are thought to belong to the Okinawa Prefectural Museum collection.
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『[琉球舞踊写真解説]』その他OT018(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot01801