琉球記叓 / Articles on Ryukyu
戦前の資料。「第一 海陸山川ノ形勢」「第ニ 地ノ廣狭長端高卑等ノ景況」「第三 国内各處ノ恒風及ビ四季尋常ノ機構」「第四 河水泉水井水等ノ人獣草木ニ関スル利害」「第五 食料及ビ医薬ニ供ス可キ草木」「第六 培養ノ穀草及ビ其形状病態等」「第七 国内産ズル処ノ獣類カ作獣及ヒ食料獣ノ病患異ナル處アルヤ否ヤ」「第八 国内ニ産スル有毒ノ動植物及ビ其毒ヲ解スル民間ノ薬」「第九 土人ノ体勢状態天質及ヒ其尋常ノ年寄衣服居住作業行儀習俗等ノ景況成親懐孕ノ期」「第十 土人用ヒル処ノ食餌飲料等ノ諸品ノ真贋」「第十一 散在病風土病流行病及其殊ニ夛キ時候地方其傳播ノ方位」「第十二 此病ノ原由及傳播スル所以」「第十三 土人此病ニ応用スル予防薬及ヒ之ニ効験アル療法」「第十四 家畜病」「第十五 醫治ニ供スル鑛泉」「第十六 病者創者ヲ運輸スルノ具及道路ノ景況河川ノ渡ル可キト否サルトキト」「第十七 国内ノ病院及其装置廣狭」「第十八 假用シテ病院トナス可キ寺院及他ノ巨屋」「第十九 陣営ノ近傍ニアル工作場」「第廿 其国内醫事ニ関係セル制度就中黴毒病ニ罹カル娼妓ヲ処置スル法」「第廿一 國内居住セル医士ノ最モ良功ニシテ就テ疑ヲ質スヘキ者」の項から成る。沖縄県への軍隊配置に関する報告書か。
Author and publication date unknown.
This document is possibly a pre-Second World War material related to the deployment of military troops to Okinawa Prefecture. The book consists of the following sections. “No. 1—Condition of the sea, land, mountains, and rivers,” “No. 2—Terrain,” “No. 3—Trade winds and the mechanism of the four seasons,” “No. 4—Quality of river, spring, and well water for people, flora and fauna,” “No. 5—Plants that can be used for food and medicine,” “No. 6—Types of grains, their size and diseases,” “No. 7—Types of wild animals and livestock and diseases they carry, “No. 8—Poisonous plants and animals and traditional medicine to counteract the poison,” “No. 9—Physical appearance of the native people and local customs,” “No. 10—What the native people eat and drink,” “No. 11—Endemic and epidemic diseases, and the season and regional orientation of their transmission,” “No. 12—The reason and cause for transmission of these diseases,” "No. 13—Diseases and their treatments," “No. 14—Disease of livestock,” “No. 15—Medical treatments on Iōtorishima,” “No. 16—Means of transportation and condition of roads, and whether rivers can or cannot be crossed to transport the sick and wounded,” “No. 17—Hospitals available and their size and equipment,” “No. 18—Temples and other large buildings that can temporarily be used as hospitals,” “No. 19—Area for construction in the vicinity of the military camp,” “No. 20—Medical treatment of prostitutes infected with syphilis,” “No. 21—Distinguished physicians in Ryukyu.”
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『琉球記叓』その他OT028(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot02801