[懺悔文章] / A Book on One's confession

ザンゲ ブンショ



Place, book-proprietor, and year of production are obscure.
The front cover page is missing. The content of this work is that a kind of Shucharon, which is different from Gunsho Ruiju and other published Shucharon. Although written in Chinese scripts, it is in Japanese style. This book was restored in 2007. Before the recondition, the cover of it was made of recycled paper. This book has the inscription "Motobu-magiri-jahana" on it. And it was supposed to be an old collection of a local Shizoku. It is a valuable historical document that demonstrates how the local Shizoku be cultivated and how they educated the descendants.

Statement of Responsibility

引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.

『[懺悔文章]』その他OT032(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot03201