島津家宛中山王尚育花押印状 / A Letter to the House of Shimazu from Chūzan King Shō Iku, Including His Kaō
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This is a direct letter from Chūzan King Shō Iku (1813-1847) to one of Satsuma domain’s karō (top-ranking officials), and includes his kaō (handwritten monogram). Dated May 2, it is a thank-you note for the gift that was given to him in exchange for the congratulatory gift he sent for the marriage of Shimazu’s daughter. Based on the contents of the letter, it is assumed that it was written around 1847.
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『島津家宛中山王尚育花押印状』その他OT037(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot03701