島津家宛中山王尚育花押印状 / A Letter to the Shimazu, the Leader of the Satsuma Domain, from Chūzan’s King Shō Iku with His Kaō
薩摩藩の首脳宛てに出された琉球首脳の書状。大里王子朝教(摂政)や国吉親方朝章・小禄親方良恭(以上2名は三司官)が出した2枚のほかに、「四月六日」付けで「中山王」 (琉球国王)尚育が島津壱岐に宛てた1枚がある。尚育王の書状は、琉球が提案した三司官(王を補佐する大臣職)の後任人事案を薩摩が了承してくれたことに対しお礼を述べたもの。当時の 琉球の高官人事は薩摩の同意が必要であった。1847年のもので、この年9月に尚育王は他界する。名前の下の署名を花押(かおう)という。(高良倉吉)
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A three-page letter written by the top-level persons of Ryukyu addressed to the leader of the Satsuma Domain. Two pages were written by Regent Ōzato Ōji Chōkyō, and both Sanshikan Kuniyoshi Uēkata Chōshō and Oroku Uēkata Ryōkyō. And enclosing one page written by King Shō Iku, dated on April 6, addressed to SHIMAZU Iki. In King Shō Iku’s letter, He expressed his gratitude to the Satsuma Domain for the endorsement of Ryukyu’s proposition for the successors of the Sanshikan. At the time, the appointment of senior officials in Ryukyu needed to acquire the approval of the Satsuma Domain. The letter was written in 1847 and King Shō Iku died in September of the same year. The handwritten monogram under His name is called kaō. (TAKAHA Kurayoshi). The transcription of this material was produced by “Minna de Honkoku.” The data of this material is available under the Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA).
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『島津家宛中山王尚育花押印状』その他OT041-03(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot04103