[高桑闌更 俳句入書簡額 1冊] / A Framed Letter and Haiku from TAKAKUWA Rankō
This letter is written by TAKAKUWA Rankō addressed to a person named IZUMI. TAKAKUWA enclosed this letter of appreciation with three lines of Haiku (Japanese poetry) about Ryukyus. TAKAKUWA Rankō (1726-1798) was a Haiku poet and worked as a physician in Kyoto during the mid to late Edo period. In his later years, he wholly captivated by the style of MATSUO Bashō (a Haiku poet). The first line can be read as “Ryukyu is located in a warm region; you can hear the squeak of mosquitoes in winter,” indicated that TAKAKUWA was inspired by Ryukyu’s warm (hot) climate to create this Haiku poem. And this material shows the increasing attention about the Ryukyus was drawn among the intellectuals at that time.
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『[高桑闌更 俳句入書簡額 1冊]』その他OT044(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot04401