琉球游記 / A Record on Journey Throughout Ryukyu
相川俊孝(1899~1940、石川県出身)は、大正期を代表する詩人の一人で、現代詩『万物昇天』を新詩壇社より刊行(1924年)している。前衛的な詩人で、乙骨明夫は『現代詩人群像』で「直進の詩人」と評している。父は木彫家、弟は画家。号は白光。自らを「放浪詩人」と称し、沖縄本島各地を巡っている。「琉球游記」の中で「かつて憧憬の琉球国に遊ぶ、まこと南海の絶島なれば其の風物人情自ら内地のものと異り」と強烈な刺激をうけた様子を記している。前衛的な詩人の目を惹いた戦前の沖縄の風景・人物が描きだされている。(赤嶺 守)
AIKAWA Toshitaka (1899-1940) born in Prefecture Ishikawa was one of leading poets in the Taishō era. This poetry titled "Bambutsu Shōten” was published by publisher Shinshidansha in 1924. AIKAWA’s work is considered as an avant-garde art. His advanced style was evaluated by OKKOTSU Akio in the book, Gendai Shijin Gunsō. AIKAWA’s father was a wood sculpturer and his younger brother was a painter. AIKAWA called himself wandering poet and use Hakkō as his pseudonym. In this travel record of Ryukyu Yūki, he described how he was excited with experiencing all things during his sojourn on the main islands of Okinawa when he traveled around by "Visiting the Ryukyus, the Kingdom, which I always adored. Its isolated location in the southern seas make its customs and characters of the people different with those in mainland Japan.” This material depicts pre-war scenery and residents of Okinawa that fascinated other radically new poets. (—AKAMINE Mamoru)
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『琉球游記』その他OT046(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot04601