島津家宛中山王尚敬花押印状 / A Letter to the House of Shimazu from Chūzan King Shō Kei with His Kaō
This is a King Shō Kei’s letter with His kaō to one of Satsuma Domain’s karō. It was dated on April 11, but the year of its completion is obscure. However, its description is related to the enthronement of King Shō Kei in 1713, so presumedly to be written around 1714-15. The letter is summarized as: “Please be noticed that I have read the letter and the valuable Uji tea pots which I received safely. I will take it as a courtesy in return to the gift I sent last summer. Truly yours.” This letter enables us to have a tangible imagination of the interaction between the King of the Ryukyu Kingdom (Shō Kei) and one karō of the Satsuma Domain. The transcription of this material was produced by “Minna de Honkoku.” Please click the link below to view the material. https://honkoku.org/app/#/transcription/F75A793C4680D6545CBAE882CEDF20D…
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『島津家宛中山王尚敬花押印状』その他OT050(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot05001