沖縄集 全 / The Full Collection of Okinawa Waka, Japanese Poetry

オキナワシュウ ゼン

宜湾朝保(1823~1876年)が編集した和歌集。明治8(1875)年成立。36人の和歌を1首ずつ収めたもので、「沖縄三十六歌仙」とも言われる。鹿児島藩を通じて大阪の書肆弘済堂から出版されており、序文を朝保の師である八田知紀が、肱文を歌友の樺山資雄が書いている。「立春」から「庭上鶴」まで、四季、恋、雑の順に歌が並べられ、さらに四季歌は季節の推移にそった細やかな配列がなされている。筆跡は朝保のもので、散らし書きによる流麗な書跡で書かれている。沖縄県立図書館に所蔵されている『沖縄集』と内容や構成は同じだが、本の装丁は異なる 。


This book is a collection of waka, Japanese poetry, edited by GIWAN Chōho (1823-1876). It was completed in 1875 and published by the bookshop Kōseidō in Osaka through the Kagoshima Domain. This collection contains one work of each thirty-six poets and is also known as Okinawa Sanjūrokkasen (Thirty-six Great waka Poets of Okinawa). The preface was written by HATTA Tomonori who was GIWAN’s teacher, and the impression of this work was added by his poet friend KABAYAMA Sukeo. The waka is well organized from “Risshun” to “Teijōkaku” in the order of “four seasons,” “love,” and “others.” By using these themes, the poets created their own waka to express different sentiments or to describe different time of a year. The style of calligraphic writing in it is recognized as chirashigaki (a sporadic, irregular, or high/low style, with no alignment of lines and with words scattered throughout the work). Another collection is preserved in the Okinawa Prefectural Library. The contents and the structure of it are the same as this one, but the binding is different.

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『沖縄集 全』その他OT051(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot05101