南浦文集 上 / Collection of Nanpo’s Writings, Vol. 1
NAMPO Bunshi (1555-1620) was born in the Obi Domain, Hyūga Province. He was a Buddhist Monk of Rinzaishu, one of the Buddhism sections. This book was completed in 1649. After Dairyū Temple was established in 1602, NAMPO was invited by the Shimazu Clan and begin to play an important role in politics and diplomat affairs for the Satsuma Domain. NAMPO had an outstanding performance in academics and mastered in Confucianism, also Sòng-Míng lǐxué (schools of Son Dynasty) and Neo-Confuciansim. He became the sucessor of Satsunan Gakuha-a school of Neo-Confucianism founded by KEIAN Genju. NAMPO improved the Japanese reading system of Chinese characters and created his own punctuation system (Bunshikun), which he applied to this material and other Chinese books.
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『南浦文集 上』その他OT052(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot05201