[旧伝集] / Kyūdenshū
成立年不明。 種子島氏8代目当主で左近将監を務めた種子島清時の先祖に関する功績をまとめた史料。同書所収の琉球関係では、豊臣秀吉が関東を平定したことを受け、島津義久が琉球国王に慶賀の意を表し、上国するように伝えたやり取りや、種子島清時が島津元久より屋久島・恵良部島を領地として与えられた際の諸文書の写しが確認される(参考資料「第38回 琉球三司官書状」『鹿児島県史』第1巻)。
The completion year is unknown. This work accumulates the achievements of the ancestors of TANEGASHIMA Kiyotoki-the eighth head of the Tanegashima Clan and sakonshōgen. In this material, regarding the Ryukyus can be found on the mutual communication exchanged after TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi’s suppresion of the Kanto region. SHIMAZU Yoshihisa extended his congratulations to the King of Ryukyu Kingdom and suggested the King coming to Japan. Also, together with other copies of document, which were made by TANEGASHIMA Kiyotoki when he was granted Yakushima and Erabujima by SHIMAZU Motohisa (also referring to Kagoshima-Kenshi, No.1, Ryukyu Sanshikan Shojō, No.38).
Statement of Responsibility
引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.
『[旧伝集]』その他OT053(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot05301