[東韓事畧・琉球事略] / Brief Account of Korea, Brief Account of Ryūkyū
This material combines two books, Ryukyu Jiryaku and Tōkan Jiryaku . Ryukyu Jiryaku was written by KATSURAYAMA Yoshitane, and Tōkan Jiryaku was included in Kan’utei Sōsho—a publication series edited by ITAKURA Katsuaki, lord of the Annaka Domain. Ryukyu Jiryaku is the book that was written with reference to Xú Bǎoguāng’s Chūzan Denshinroku . Xú was a Sakuhōshi of an imperial Chinese envoy for King Shō Kei. Ryukyu Jiryaku introduces the Chūzan lineage, geography, Buddhist temples, territories, ceremonial costumes, kanzashi (ornate hairpin), honor weapons, examination of government bureaucracy system, Buddhist monks, household utensils, coins, Japanese letters, musical instrument, classical opera, imperial edict, and letter of gratitude to the King. Within the context of Ryukyu’s political situations, it indicates the Kingdom was possessed by both Japan and China. The author described Ryukyu: “the territory of the Ryukyu Kingdom is small, and the temperament of the people is delicate. I feel sympathy with its situation.” This book has an official seal Sain of Meiji government on it.
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『[東韓事畧・琉球事略]』その他OT056(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot05601