〔六諭衍義大意抄 永楽屋東四郎版〕 / Rikuyuengi-tai’i Extract, Eirakuya Tōshirō Edition
Rikuyuengi (six courses about ethical doctrines) is an educational book that explains the “six moral teachings: “kōjunfubo” (practice filial piety, Chinese parental respect), “songyōchōjyō” (respect the elders), “wabokukyōri”(make peace with contiguous communities), “kyōkunshison” (discipline descendants), “kakuanseiri” (live in peace and be content with ongoing occupation), “musakuhii” (keep away from misbehavior). For promulgating these teachings as national indoctrination, Emperor Hongwu of the Ming dynasty made Rikuyuengi written in common people’s term to spread these teachings. It was woodblock printed in 1708 by Tei Junsoku (1663~1734) at the Ryukyukan (the Ryukyuan base of operations in Fuzhou) who brought it back to Ryukyu. It passed on to the Tokugawa Shogunate via the Satsuma Domain latterly. OGYŪ Sorai’s Rikuyuengi (a kuntenbon book with punctuation marks for reading Chinese) and MURO Kyūsō’s Kankoku Rikuyuengi-tai’i (Japanese translated version) were printed and used as textbooks to educate the common people. This Rikuyuengi-tai’i Extract is an abridgement of MURO Kyūsō’s Kankoku Rikuyuengi-tai’i , from which the verses have been deleted. According to HIGASHIONNA Kanjun, Eirakuya Toshiro's edition was"a private collection of MIZUNO Gonpei (a title of an official in the Edo period) Masataka of the Owari Domain, which Eirakuya KATANO Toshiro received in the reign of the next Gonpei Masanori through negotiations with JINNO Seyū, (yet commonly known as Junzō) who worked as a Kanjō-bugyō (overseer of financial affairs) for the Owari Domain. (Reference: The Complete Works of Higashionna Kancho, vol. 8). As HIGASHIONNA mentioned his collection was the first print published in 1835, this collection was printed in 1855, not the first edition.
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『〔六諭衍義大意抄 永楽屋東四郎版〕』その他OT068(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot06801