[琉球王府花押印状 玉川王子朝達] / Letters Including the Royal Government Kaō from Tamagawa Ōji Chōtatsu and Others
This material has eight letters written by Tamagawa Ōji Chōtatsu and the others. The first was written by Tamagawa Ōji Chōtatsu, the second was by Ie Ōji Chochu, the third was by Yonagusuku Ōji Chōki, the fourth by Ikegusuku Uēkata Anyū, the fifth was by Kunigami Ōji Seishū, the sixth was by an unknown sender, the seventh was by Kunigami Ōji Seishū, and the eighth was by Ōzato Ōji Chōkyō. These letters were sent to SHIMAZU Zaemon (also known as Hisanaga) and other influential people of the Satsuma Domain. The most distinctive feature of these letters is the kaō (handwritten monogram) after each of their signatures. The transcription of this material was produced by “Minna de Honkoku.” The data of this material is available under the Creative Commons License Attribution-Share Alike (CC BY-SA). https://honkoku.org/app/#/transcription/2CDBBE806BE95D7732E87F1BC86B052…
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『[琉球王府花押印状 玉川王子朝達]』その他OT070-02(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot07002