[沖縄県初代少書記官 原忠順漢詩色紙幅] / A Chinese Pome on Calligraphy Scroll Composed by The First Okinawa Prefecture Governor’s Secretary HARA Tadayuki
This material is a Chinese poem composed by HARA Tadayuki when he embarked for Okinawa with NABESHIMA Naoyoshi, who was the first governor of Okinawa Prefecture. HARA Tadayuki was designated as governor’s assistant secretary and was promoted to senior-executive secretary later in NABESHIMA gubernatorial tenure. After one month preparation for their newly appointed posts, NABESHIMA and HARA were with a few dozen Kashima Domain people who were NABESHIMA's former retainers were on board the Nagoya-maru vessel at Yokohama port on May 7, 1879. It was said that NABESHIMA had been going to take his post resolutely; however, his people, the former retainers were on board with full of tragic atmosphere. They went to serve as Okinawa prefectural administration officers with anxiety but bravely. HARA implied his determination in this poem.
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『[沖縄県初代少書記官 原忠順漢詩色紙幅]』その他OT071(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot07101