[京都・熊谷信吉宛尚順男爵書簡 2] / Letter Addressed to KUMAGAI Nobuyoshi (Kyoto, Japan) from Baron Shō Jun, Letter No. 2
Shō Jun (1873-1945), the fourth son of Shō Tai who was the last king of the Ryukyu Kingdom, was a shrewd entrepreneur as well as politician. His outstanding activities made him one of the most influential persons in modern Okinawa society. This letter is to request the Kyūkyodō store owner in Kyoto, KUMAGAI Nobuyuki, to find some artwork. Shō Jun stated his successful bid for I Fukyū’s landscape painting. I Fukyū was a merchant and landscape artist of the Qing dynasty. From his letter, Shō Jun was explicit about his purchase of the artwork through KUMAGAI by auction and paid for this transaction by postal money order. He also asked KUMAGAI for other landscape artwork created by Japanese artist Chikuson.
Statement of Responsibility
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『[京都・熊谷信吉宛尚順男爵書簡 2]』その他OT076-02(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot07602