[明治期琉球写真帳 1] / Meiji Era Ryūkyū Photo Album 1

メイジ キ リュウキュウ シャシン チョウ 1


1 [龍潭]
2 [リュウゼツランと花と男性][ハチマチと収納用の箱2種類]
3 [円覚寺の山門とヤシ木] [首里城漏刻門]
4 [勝連城]
5 [勝連城からみた東の海]
6 [園比屋武御嶽][龍潭からみた中城御殿]
7 [袴姿の女の子たち(師範学校中庭で撮影されたものか)]
8 [円覚寺][弁財天堂]
9 [遊郭の女性達の芸能(那覇)]
10 [闘牛]
11 [島バナナ]
12 [那覇の風景]
13 [那覇の風景(那覇港)]
14 [リュウゼツランと琉球松と男性たち]
15 [良家の老婦人]
16 [普天満宮参道]
17 [洗い髪の女性][水汲みをする女性]
18 [轟の滝]
19 [水瓶を頭上運搬する女性たち]
20 [正装の女性][大きなガジュマルと民家]
21 [糸満のハーリー 競漕前の地バーリー]
22 [芋を頭上に乗せた女性と石橋][群倉(ぶりぐら)]
23 [家族写真]
24 [弁財天堂から師範学校をのぞむ]


This album consists of two photo books, both of which contain miscellaneous images of Okinawan landscape, customs, people, renowned spots of historical remains, and flora and fauna of this region. Speculating about the objects focused in these photos, they were not taken by the inhabitants but the people who were traveling in Okinawa from mainland Japan. The taking dates of these photos are obscured. Since the photo of the intact Chūzan Gate, which was destroyed in 1908 had been taken, these photos dated back to the mid-Meiji era. It also includes rare photos of several oarsmen posing for photographers in a haarii boat before the traditional boat race in Itoman and a ritual being held at the Kume Kōshibyō (Confucius Temple) in Naha. All photos in this album were entitled by our librarians: 1 [Ryūtan] 2 [left: Agave plant, flowers, and a man; right: Hachimachi (the traditional form of hat) and two storage boxes] 3 [left: Gate of Engaku-Ji and Arecaceae (palm tree); right: Gate Rōkoku (water clock), the third gate of Shuri Castle] 4 [Katsuren Castle] 5 [view of east coast from Katsuren Castle] 6 [upper: Sonohyan-utaki Ishimon (Stone Gate of the Sonohyan Shrine); below: View of the Nakagusuku-udun from Ryūtan] 7 [ Girls in Hakama (it might be taken in the court of a normal school)] 8 [upper: Engaku-Ji; below: The Benzaitendō] 9 [Women of Yūkaku’s entertainment (Naha)] 10 [Bullfighting] 11 [Okinawan bananas] 12 [The scenery of Naha] 13 [ View of Naha Port] 14 [Agave plant, Okinawa Pine, and two men] 15 [An elderly woman of a respectable family] 16 [A Sandō (path)approaching Futenma Shrine] 17 [left :A woman’s private moment; right: woman holding water drawing bucket] 18 [Todoroki Waterfall] 19 [inhabitants carrying buckets and pail on head] 20 [left: Woman formally dressed; right: Gajumaru tree and houses] 21 [Haarii boat in Itoman, before the traditional boat race] 22 [upper: women carrying Imo(stem tuber) on their heads and bridge; below: Burigura] 23 [Family photo] 24 [View of Normal School from the Bezaitendō].

日本語 / Japanese
利用実績/Use in Publication

1. 「首里杜地区及び中城御殿跡地に関する整備基本計画策定業務報告書」,沖縄県都市公園課,2021

2. 「【今年の自由研究はこれで決まり!】戦前の沖縄を探しに行こう!リターンズ~後編~【答え合わせの旅】」(琉球大学附属図書館YouTubeチャンネル)https://youtu.be/usYhS4R8v3c

3. 「【展示解説】明治時代に撮影された勝連城~明治期琉球写真帳~【#琉大資料がつなぐあやはし ~うるまの今昔~】」(琉球大学附属図書館YouTubeチャンネル)https://youtube.com/shorts/_97p4HOBGdM

4. 『カラー化写真で見る沖縄』ホリーニョ 編 , ボーダーインク , 2025

引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.

『[明治期琉球写真帳 1]』その他OT087(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot08701