[明治期琉球写真帳 2] / Meiji Era Ryūkyū Photo Album 2
1 [明治橋]
2 [守礼門][歓会門]
3 [綾門大道と中山門]
4 [墓地]
5 [亀甲墓]
6 [クバ林]
7 [ガジュマル]
8 [中城城址][天女橋から円覚寺をみる]
9 [釈奠(せきてん) 1]
10 [街中の風景 1] [街中の風景 2]
11 [釈奠の供物]
12 [サーター車]
13 [釈奠(せきてん) 2]
14 [製糖の様子]
15 [園比屋武御嶽]
16 [芭蕉とパイナップルか][西表蘭]
17 [庭園]
18 [崇元寺の石門]
19 [琉装の女性]
20 [師範学校か] [円鑑池]
21 [学生の集合写真]
22 [サトウキビ畑][ソテツと男性]
23 [円覚寺か]
24 [ハブ捕り]
25 [蝶か][ヨナグニサン他蝶の標本]
26 [民家と電信柱][茅葺の小屋と作業中の男性]
27 [アダン]
28 [ハブの標本][木登りトカゲの標本]
29 [ヒトデ][ウニ]
30 [蝶の標本1][蝶の標本2]
31 [マングローブ林]
32 [アダン]
33 [梯梧]
34 [瓦葺きの建物と庭]
35 [キビ刈り]
36 [木の下に立つ男性]
37 [龍潭からみた中城御殿]
38 [ガジュマル]
This album consists of two photo books, both of which contain miscellaneous images of Okinawan landscape, customs, people, renowned spots of historical remains, and flora and fauna of this region. Speculating about the objects focused in these photos, they were not taken by the inhabitants but the people who were traveling in Okinawa from mainland Japan. The taking dates of these photos are obscured. Since the photo of the intact Chūzan Gate, which was destroyed in 1908 had been taken, these photos dated back to the mid-Meiji era. It also includes rare photos of several oarsmen posing for photographers in a haarii boat before the traditional boat race in Itoman and a ritual being held at the Kume Kōshibyō (Confucius Temple) in Naha. All photos in this album were entitled by our librarians: 1 [Meiji Bridge] 2 [left:Shureimon, the second outer gate of Shuri Castle; right:Kankaimon, the front gate to Shuri Castle] 3 [Ayajōufu and Chuzanmon, the first outer gate to Shuri Castle] 4 [Cemetery] 5 [a kamekō (turtleback) tomb] 6 [Kuba trees (Areca catechu)] 7 [Gajumaru trees] 8 [upper: Nakagusuku Castle Ruins; below: View of Engaku-ji from Tennyo-bashi Bridge] 9 [Sekiten 1, ceremony performed to honor Confucius] 10 [upper: A view of town 1; below: A view of town 2] 11 [offerings for Sekiten ceremony] 12 [sugar squeeze machine] 13 [Sekiten 2] 14 [Make sugar from sugarcane] 15 [Sonohyan-utaki Ishimon (Stone Gate of the Sonohyan Shrine)] 16 [left: Musaceae (hardy banana) or Pineapple; right: Iriomoteran, Orchid discovered in Iriomote island of Ryukyu] 17 [Garden] 18 [Stone gate of Sōgen-ji] 19 [A woman in Ryusō (traditional Ryukyu kimono)] 20 [upper: Normal School; below: Enkanchi at Shuri Castle] 21 [group photo of students] 22 [upper: sugarcane filed; below: Cycad Palm (Sotetsu) and a man] 23 [Enkaku Temple] 24 [Habu snake catching] 25 [left: butterfly; right: Yonaguni habitat butterfly specimen] 26 [upper:houses and a telegragh-pole; below: thatched sheds and a man ] 27 [ Adan (Pandanus) ] 28 [upper:snake specimen; below: lizard specimen] 29 [upper: preserved starfish; below: preserved sea urchin] 30 [left: butterfly specimen 1; right: butterfly specimen 2] 31 [Mangrove swamps] 32 [Adan (Pandanus)] 33 [Erythrina Variegata (tiger claw)] 34 [Roof tiled wood houses and yard] 35 [The harvesting of sugarcane] 36 [A man standing under a tree] 37 [View of Nakagusuku castle from Ryūtan] 38 [Gajumaru trees]
1. 「首里杜地区及び中城御殿跡地に関する整備基本計画策定業務報告書」,沖縄県都市公園課,2021
2. 「【展示解説】明治時代に撮影された勝連城~明治期琉球写真帳~【#琉大資料がつなぐあやはし ~うるまの今昔~】」(琉球大学附属図書館YouTubeチャンネル)https://youtube.com/shorts/_97p4HOBGdM
3. 『カラー化写真で見る沖縄』ホリーニョ 編 , ボーダーインク , 2025
引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.
『[明治期琉球写真帳 2]』その他OT087-02(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/other/ot08702