骨董録 / Collection of the literary works of Arai Hakuseki
写本。題簽『骨董録 全』。著者は源君美(みなもとのきんみ)とされている。源君美は新井白石(あらい・はくせき)の諱。同書は白石著の『五事略』に収録されている「殊号事略」「外国通信事略」「琉球国事略」「本朝宝貨通用事略」「高野山事略」のほか、「中華并外国土産」「中国十五省」「外国西洋」などを追加した稀覯本である。近世日本の国内外を含めた歴史や地理、貨幣に対する認識、宗教観などが覗える。1頁に「昭曠館図書記」(加川元厚)、「大森氏蔵本」、「松菊舎木戸氏蔵書印」(木戸孝允)の印記、後書き末尾に「正徳乙未春二月二十六日脱藁(1715年2月26日脱稿) 源君美」の一文が記されている。(2017年4月4日更新)
A manuscript. The title is Kottōroku zen. It is considered to have been written by Minamotono Kimmi. Minamotono Kimmi is the true name of Arai Hakuseki. This is a rare book which includes the Gojiryaku, a collection of five of Hakuseki’s writings: "Shugō jiryaku", "Gaikoku tsūshin jiryaku", "Ryukyukoku jiryaku", "Honchō hōka tsūyō jiryaku" and "Kōyasan jiryaku". In addition, the book also includes "Chūka narabini gaikoku miyage", "Chūgoku jūgoshō", and "Gaikoku seiyō". Its contents give us a glimpse of the history and geography both domestic and foreign, of money, and also of religious perspectives in early modern Japan. On the first page, there are stamps of "Shōkōkan toshoki "(Kagawa Motoatsu), "Ōmorishi zō bon", "Shōkikusha Kidoshi zōsho in"(Kido Takayoshi). In the last sentence of the postscript, there is a note: "Completed on February 26th, 1715".
(Updated on January 20, 2020)
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『骨董録』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW520, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw520