中山世譜 全 / Mirror of the Ages of Chūzan
写本。外表紙、内表紙とも『中山世譜 全』。本書は蔡鐸、蔡温らが編さん・改訂した『中山世譜』を元に、源直温が版をおこしたものである。王統の系図と歴代国王の略解のみを収録している。跋文によると、「輪池(りんち)先生」(屋代の別号)が『中山世譜』を読み、正誤を補ったものを、源直温が刊行したと記されている。天保3(1832)年成立。源直温(みなもとのなおあつ)は、江戸後期の国学者である屋代弘賢(やしろ・ひろかた)の門弟か。(2017年4月19日更新)
A manuscript. The title Chūzan Seifu zen is printed on both the outside and inside of the front cover. This manuscript is based on the version of Chūzan Seifu (Chūzan Genealogy) that was edited and revised by Sai Taku and Sai On, and was made by Minamotono Naoatsu. It records only a an abbreviated genealogy and history of the Kings of Ryukyu. Following the postscript, it seems that "Rinchi sensei ( another name for Yashiro Hirokata)" read and corrected some mistakes of Chūzan seifu (Sai On bon) and then Minamotono Naoatsu edited it. Completed in 1832. Minamotono Naoatsu was considered as one of disciples of Yashiro Hirokata who was a Japanese classical scholar in the late Edo period.(Updated on November 4, 2022)
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『中山世譜 全』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW527, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw527