琉歌集 宮平殿内 / Ryukyuan verse anthology, Miyahira Dunchi
This is a privately made, handwritten lyric book of Ryukyuan songs called fushigumi ryūkashū. Most Ryukyuan lyric books belong to this type. On the second page from the back cover is the note "Meiji 23/Ryukyuan anthology/Miyahira Dunchi," which reveals that it was made at Miyahira Dunchi in 1890. At the end of the book is a table of contents, but the actual order is different from what is listed in the table. Most anthologies of this type list "Kajadifū" at the beginning, but this one starts from "Kume hantamē bushi." During World War II, the Hawley Collection was treated as "enemy property" and was confiscated. Keio University thus purchased the collection in 1943. The ownership stamp of "Keio University Library" at the top of the first page of the text is from that time.
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『琉歌集 宮平殿内』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW559, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw559