古今琉歌集 上巻 / Large collection of Ryukyuan verses, past and present vol.1
This is a letterpress printed anthology of Ryukyuan verses and poems, edited by Onaha Chōshin and published by Okinawa Insatsujo, or Okinawa Press, in 1895. According to the preface, the verses and poems were selected and compiled based on the anthology Ryūkyū Dai Kashū, edited by Kobashigawa Chōshō. The original of this anthology is missing, yet a copy made by Tajima Risaburō still remains. Besides this Onaha-bon, there are the Tomikawa-bon, which is a republished version of the Onaha-bon published in 1911, and the Higa-bon, which is a republished version of the Tomikawa-bon published in 1956, still remaining today. The contents of each version differ in parts. A brief summary of this book can be found in the Digital Archives of Okinawa Prefectural Library.
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『古今琉歌集 上巻』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW587A, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw5871