琉球踊狂言 / Ryukyuan dance dramas
This is a book of play scripts of Ryukyuan kumiodori or kumiudui plays which Murasaki Chōei and Toyoyoshi Katsurō, both from Mie Prefecture, translated into Japanese. Later, it was published by Murasaki in 1893. It includes scripts of "Shimai Tekiuchi," "Temizu no En (Oki., Timiji nu Yin)," "Gosamaru Tekiuchi," and "Shūshin Kaneiri." It also includes the lyrics of four pieces of kuduchi, which is a type of extended narrative song with the 7 and 5 mora pattern greatly influenced by a fashion of Japanese waka poetry. The Hawley Collection was regarded as "enemy property" and became subject to confiscation during the wartime; therefore, Keio University purchased the works in 1943. The ownership stamp on the inner title page is from that time. For more information, please refer to "About Sakamaki/Hawley Collection" on the top page of this website (written in Japanese, but there is a link to the English web pages of University of Hawai'i Library).
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『琉球踊狂言』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW589, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw589