沖縄県水産一斑 / An outline of Okinawa Prefecture's marine industry

Romanaized title
Okinawa-ken suisan ippan



A copy. On the cover page is a note "compiled in November, 1912." Written by Ōmura Yasohachi, a prefecture fishery engineer, except the aforementioned note and first few pages since Ōmura was already transferred to Ogasawara Branch, Tokyo on January 24, 1912. How it was made is unknown. The content has the character of a proposition that given how the fishing industry in Japan had been developing since Russo-Japanese War, there was every reason to believe that the fishing industry in Okinawa Prefecture could develop likewise. It consists of: 1) geographical features, 2) sea currents and tides, 3) the history and development of fisheries in Okinawa, 4) fishery system and facilities, 5) fishermen, 6) fishing vessels, 7) fishing tackle and storage, 8) situation in fishing villages, 9) important fishery products, 10) undersea plankton and small animals, 11) situation of principal fishery industry and fishery processing industry, 12) salt. Characterized by descriptions from various angles, this is one of the most useful materials for understanding the fishery industry in Okinawa Prefecture during the Meiji period. The entire text of this book is also included in Okinawa Nōrin Suisan Gyōseishi (but the base text of this book is different).(Updated on December 10, 2015)

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日本語 / Japanese


ハワイ大学マノア校図書館管理番号 : HW668(2)

引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.

『沖縄県水産一斑』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW668, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw66802