琉球人図 / Drawings of Ryukyuans
The writer and completion date are unknown. Ink painting. Probably a rough sketch of Ryūkyūjin Zagaku no Zu (owned by Eisei Bunko), drawn by Sugitani Yukinao, who was an official painter of the Kumamoto Domain. Ryūkyūjin Zagaku no Zu depicts the Ryukyuans' musical performances, performed at the house of Shimazu Narinobu in Edo on November 22, 1832. Also see the article "Ryūkyū Shisetsu no Geinō wo Egaku Eshi" (Okinawa Kenritsu Geijutsu Daigaku Kiyō, vol.18, 2010) by Itaya Tōru. (Updated on January 6, 2016)
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『琉球人図』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW753, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw753