琉球小志並補遺附説略 / A little gazetteer of Ryukyu with a supplementary summary
封面題「琉球地理志」、扉題「琉球小志並補遺附説略」。光緒癸未(1883)年発行の刊本。中根淑(なかね・きよし)の「琉球立国始末」「琉球形勢大略」、大槻文彦(おおつき・ふみひこ)の「琉球新誌」、重野安繹(しげの・やすつぐ)の「沖縄志後序」ほかを、清国東京公使館随員の姚文棟(よう・ぶんとう)が漢訳し、アンソロジーとしたもの。なお、扉には「吴中 黄超曽」の署名がある。黄は蘇州出身の文人・元外交官。姚と親交があった。(2015年3月31日更新)
The title on the title strip is Ryūkyū Chirishi. The title on the inner title page is Ryūkyū Shōshi narabini Hoi Tsuketari Setsuryaku. Published in 1883. This is an anthology, compiling "Ryūkyū Rikkoku Shimatsu" and "Ryūkyū Keisei Tairyaku", written by Nakane Kiyoshi; "Ryūkyū Shinshi", by Ōtsuki Fumihiko; "Okinawa-shi kō jo" and other works, by Shigeno Yasutsugu; and translated into Chinese by Yao Wendong (Jpn., Yō Buntō), who was a member of the Qing Legation in Tokyo. In addition, there is the signature of Huang Chaoceng (Jpn., Kō Chōso) next to the the title on the inner title page. Huang was a writer as well as a diplomat from Suzhou who was also a good friend of Yao's.(Updated on January 22, 2016)
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『琉球小志並補遺附説略』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW801c, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw801301