久米村神山里之子親雲上弐ヶ村風水御見分日記 / An account of feng shui inspection of two villages by Kamiyama Satunushi Pēchin from Kume Village

クメムラ カミヤマ サトヌシ ペーチン ニカムラ フウスイ オミワケ ニッキ
Romanaized title
kumemura kamiyama satonushi pēchin nikamura fūsui omiwake nikki



Inamine Village in Haneji Magiri was damaged by two disasters; a high tide flood in 1808 and a fire which destroyed 12 houses and 15 rice storehouses in 1857. During the same time period, Makiya, a neighboring village, gradually became impoverished. Therefore, the people of these two villages consulted with each other and invited a feng shui master, Kamiyama Satonushi Pēchin from Kume Village, to have the villages' fortunes read. Kamiyama conducted an inspection for forest belts of hōgo (embraced protection) and houses in the two villages as well as landforms of hōgo and ancestral tombs in Ōbaru (a local place name). This is one of the important historical documents which details the interpretation of feng shui fortune telling.

(Updated on March 2, 2016)

日本語 / Japanese

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『久米村神山里之子親雲上弐ヶ村風水御見分日記』島袋源七文庫SI002(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/shimabukuro/si00201