神山里之子親雲上御見分日記 / An account of feng shui inspection by Kamiyama Satunushi Pēchin
相次ぐ災害や火災に悩まされた羽地間切の真喜屋・稲嶺2村の住民は、思い余って風水見(フンシミー)を招聘し事態の打開を図ろうとした。咸豊7(1857)年11月に久米村の神山里之子親雲上を招き風水見分(評価・鑑定)を行なわせたが、事態は好転せず苦境が続いた。風水 見分が不十分だと感じた両村住民は我部祖河村に招かれていた神山里之子親雲上に再度依頼し風水を見てもらった。その結果を伝えるのが本史料である。末尾に「辰十二月十七日」とあるが、辰は1868年のことであろう。村の安寧を求めて風水見にすがる当時の村人の意識状況がうかがえる。
Suffering from a series of disasters and fires, the residents of Makiya and Inamine Village in Haneji Magiri decided to invite a feng shui master to defuse the situation. In November, 1857, the people of the two villages invited Kamiyama Satonushi Pēchin from Kumemura to do the feng shui fortune telling. However, the situation didn't improve and the villagers continued to suffer. They thought the last feng shui fortune telling was not enough, and they asked Kamiyama for another feng shui fortune telling while he was invited to Gabusoka Village. This document describes the details of the feng shui inspection.
At the end of this book is a note "December 17th, the year of the Dragon," which probably refers to the year 1868. This book tells us the fact that those villagers desperately sought for their well-being and depended much on feng shui fortune telling.
(Updated on March 7, 2016)
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『神山里之子親雲上御見分日記』島袋源七文庫SI003(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/shimabukuro/si00301