風水に相掛候所の吟味の事 / An account of discussions about feng shui
This is one of the documents regarding the feng shui fortune telling of Makiya and Inamine Village in Haneji Magiri.It is a situation report after the feng shui fortune was told by Kamiyama Satonushi Pēchin in November 1857. Following the feng shui fortune telling, the villagers conducted a land survey and paved paths in 1859. However,denchi bugyo, the Shuri royal government office, claimed that what the villagers had done wasn't appropriate for feng shui. This report indicates that the villagers discussed about the measures to solve the problem pointed out by the government. It reflects that the feng shui fortune telling of villages was under the guidance of the Shuri royal government.
(Updated on March 7, 2016)
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『風水に相掛候所の吟味の事』島袋源七文庫SI006(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/shimabukuro/si00601