断片綴(針竿関係) / A handbook of survey techniques
This is a record regarding the survey techniques used when the land surveys called kenryū kenchi were conducted on Okinawa Island and its neighboring islands from 1736 to 1751. This record was completed in 1751. It consists of the following sections: "Sankaku zao no hō (triangulation method)," "Sao wari no hō (a survey method for dividing a land into two equal parts)," "Harizu no hō" (a survey method for drawing a land survey map)," "Shin mura kumitate no shiyō (a survey method when creating a new village)," "Jihaibun no shiyō (a method for dividing a land into several equal parts)," "Shirubedote narabini harizu no koto (explanation for a supplementary control point [zukonten] and important points for survey maps)," "Shin zaoire shiake narabini shinokori shiakeno koto (explanation for a survey method of a newly-approved and cultivated land or a cultivated land scheduled to be surveyed)."
According to this book, 3,215 reports and 58 diagram notes were made during the time of kenryū kenchi. Also, the methods of residential and agricultural land surveys with illustrations are described in this book. It is a valuable document to learn the level of survey techniques at the time.
(Updated on March 7, 2016)
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『断片綴(針竿関係)』島袋源七文庫SI009(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/shimabukuro/si00901